A Long Petal in the Sea

This year I’ve been reading a lot of books on immigration. Displacement and immigration has always fascinated me ever since I moved halfway across the world exactly 3 years ago. The fact that people are endlessly moving and finding new opportunities for a better life, or escaping life threatening situations, there are many reasons that … Continue reading A Long Petal in the Sea

Books For the Curious Muslim

This post took longer than expected for me to write. As much as I wanted to immediately inform people of these amazing books I've read, something always got in the way of me sitting down and actually writing this post. Maybe it was work and personal life, or maybe I wasn't fully ready to acknowledge … Continue reading Books For the Curious Muslim

6 Self Development Books That Helped Me Grow

It is a universally acknowledged truth that we are all flawed human beings. With that comes the realisation that for the most part, we can be better. My interest in self development books started from back in college where I started reading more books about mental health and obtaining self-help. There were so many books, even … Continue reading 6 Self Development Books That Helped Me Grow